1 nov. 2006

förslag till den kurdiska regeringen gällande uppbyggnaden av ett kvinnocenter

Women are an unexploited resource in the Kurdish society. By strengthening women’s position, the woman herself and the whole society will be positively affected. The situation for the Kurdish women is somewhat better than for the women in the rest of Iraq. Still it's far from satisfying and we would like to highlight some areas of concern:
1. Professional life.
Due to both traditions and to the civil wars are the women in Kurdistan living in rather traditional roles. Only in public administration are the women represented in higher extent. The abilities of the female resources are rather unexploited and affect negatively the prosperity of the whole society.

2. Literacy.
The endured wars have even affected the rate of literacy. Surveys show that it has dropped since young girls have shared domestic responsibilities, curbing their school attendance. In a world with higher demands on education are the illiterate women neglected on the labour market.
3. Single mothers.
"There is no future for a single mother in Kurdistan," , we quote from an article covering a shelter in Duhok. The situation of the abandoned wife and the raped girl is most troubling. They are often publicly condemned and live often on great poverty. They need safe havens, shelters for themselves and for their children.

4. Human Rights
The issues above are of course closely connected to the UN Convention on Human Rights. The vulnerable women need a spokesman, an authority that forcefully represents their rights and interests according to the CHR.

We therefore suggest the foundation of a Women Empowerment Centre that facilitates female entrance to professional life, promotes equality, human rights, literacy and provides vulnerable women and their children with shelter and good care. The Centre should also provide psychiatric care and councelling.
This Centre shall be equipped with staff and facilities that enable them to make a difference.
We apply for 4000 m2 of land: For the Centre and for the first shelter for 40 abandoned women and their children.

Hewler 1st of December 2005

Soheila Fors Kjell Fors

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